Sunday, September 09, 2007

Why we are miserable.

Check out this article by David Wong at It is a great piece about friendships in the age of text messages, emails and Facebook. He has some interesting points about text messaging (I am personally on the verge of boycotting them) and emails. I suspect the point about emails is that they are so quickly and poorly written. Email seems cheap, fast and informal and our writing reflects that. In my long email exchanges with friends overseas I have been trying a bit harder to write with greater clarity and proper punctuation but I am not usually sober when i do so my efforts have been falling a bit short.

7 Reason the 21st Century is Making you Miserable.
by David Wong

#1. We don't have enough annoying strangers in our lives.
#2. We don't have enough annoying friends, either.
#3. Texting is a shitty way to communicate.
#4. Online company only makes us lonelier.
#5. We don't get criticized enough.
#6. We're victims of the Outrage Machine.
#7. We feel worthless, because we actually are worth less. (my favorite one)


Anonymous said...

Though I understand the point of this, and to some extent I agree... I have to say that I enjoy reading emails lacking in punctuation and clarity, they are full of character and they are much more immediate than letters (which if you sent me one in Venezuela would probably never arrive since the national postal system is in shambles). Also, I meet plenty of annoying strangers and I also have plenty of annoying friends (both in the real world and the virtual world). So there we have it- I am a victim of the evil 21st century and I am addicted to the net- god save me- at least its not heroin.

Anonymous said...

Frankly I don't understand what Facebook is. My friend tried to invite me to join and I said, "can't i just call you on the phone?"