Monday, April 30, 2007

Seasonal Depression

Seasonal depression does not take place during winter. No, seasonal depression happens when you have to sit in a biege cubicle when the sun is shinning, and a cool spring breeze is blowing.

A poem...

The Promotion
By James Tate

I was a dog in my former life, a very good
dog, and, thus, I was promoted to a human being.
I liked being a dog. I worked for a poor farmer,
guarding and herding his sheep. Wolves and coyotes
tried to get past me almost every night, and not
once did I loose a sheep. The farmer rewarded me
with good food, food from his table. He may have
been poor, but he ate well. And his children
played with me, when they weren't in school or
working in the field. I had all the love any dog
could hope for. When I got old, they got a new
dog, and I trained him in the tricks of the trade.
He quickly learned, and the farmer bought me into
the house to live with the family. I brought the farmer
his slippers in the morning, as he was getting
old, too. I was dying slowly, a little bit at a
time. The farmer knew this and would bring the
new dog in to visit me from time to time. The
new dog would entertain me with his flips and
flops and nuzzles. And then one morning I just
didn't get up. They gave me a fine burial down
by the stream under a shade tree. That was the
end of my being a dog. Sometimes I miss it so
I sit by my window and cry. I live in a high-rise
that looks out at a bunch of other high-rises.
At my job I work in a cubicle and barely speak
to anyone all day. The human wolves don't even see me.
They fear me not.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Moyers and Stewart.

Here is an interview by Bill Moyers with Jon Stewart of The Daily Show.

Moyers is pretty awesome. I guess he was this bad-ass reporter from back during the Vietnam war. They brought him back from the dead because our generation of journalist are too busy giving road head to Bush while he drives us off the cliff.

I guess with all the swearing and sexual references this isn't a blog for the kids.

Moyers interviews Stewart

First Post

This is going to start as a place to keep track of my thoughts, of news stories i think people should be reading and maybe some photos and other art (my own and others) that i like. Maybe it will evolve into something interesting, something worth reading, but most likely not. I have been flirting with the idea of blog for awhile and have made a few abortive attempts (if you cant count myspace as an actual blog). I guess i finally decided to commit to a blog because myspace and facebook and Microsoft word was unable to really fit my needs of tracking the news of world and my thoughts about it.

I am really trying to avoid apologizing for my blog. I feel like i dont have the talent or the creativity to produce something interesting so i shouldn't even bother, or have the audacity to think somebody will actually read this, but I came to a conclusion: Fuck it. If i actually want to produce something interesting, and add a worthwhile voice to the public discourse, i wont do it worrying about how I stack up to others, or worrying about criticism of my ideas, or spelling and grammar mistakes. Who gives a shit.

I think thats an apology for my blog. Damnit...

Oh, a shoutout and thank you to my friend Jessica at UofM Feminist for encouraging me to start a blog and otherwise making a concerted effort at emasculating me for not doing so sooner.