Sunday, April 29, 2007

First Post

This is going to start as a place to keep track of my thoughts, of news stories i think people should be reading and maybe some photos and other art (my own and others) that i like. Maybe it will evolve into something interesting, something worth reading, but most likely not. I have been flirting with the idea of blog for awhile and have made a few abortive attempts (if you cant count myspace as an actual blog). I guess i finally decided to commit to a blog because myspace and facebook and Microsoft word was unable to really fit my needs of tracking the news of world and my thoughts about it.

I am really trying to avoid apologizing for my blog. I feel like i dont have the talent or the creativity to produce something interesting so i shouldn't even bother, or have the audacity to think somebody will actually read this, but I came to a conclusion: Fuck it. If i actually want to produce something interesting, and add a worthwhile voice to the public discourse, i wont do it worrying about how I stack up to others, or worrying about criticism of my ideas, or spelling and grammar mistakes. Who gives a shit.

I think thats an apology for my blog. Damnit...

Oh, a shoutout and thank you to my friend Jessica at UofM Feminist for encouraging me to start a blog and otherwise making a concerted effort at emasculating me for not doing so sooner.


Anonymous said...

Right on Brandon.

Anonymous said...

blog on.