Monday, December 17, 2007

Lieberman Endorses McCain

Lieberman endorses McCain. When I read this my first thought was “Lieberman, what an asshole” Is he doing this just be a prick? I continued reading the article. Lieberman’s argument: “[we need] a leader who can break through the partisan gridlock," and "The status quo in Washington is not working." Which on both points I firmly agree. The status quo, period, is not working.

Then I began to realize something. Both of these politicians have been all but scuttled by their respective parties. They have followed policies and supported actions not popular with their own party. They have pissed a lot of people off. Lieberman has certainly pissed me off.

And why? Because they were doing what they thought was right. Not that I agree with their version of what right is, I fully support any politician to do what they think is right. The “partisan gridlock” Lieberman speaks of and the status quo is general is created by a whole lot of people doing what some else tells them what is right, be it lobbyist , party leaders, or small noisy constituencies. Lieberman is on to something.

(Even as I type that I get bad taste in my mouth. Sure i respect Lieberman, but I still think he is an asshole).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ick. Who in their right mind would endorse McCain? Not that I don't agree with trying to 'break through the partisan gridlock,' but there are by far better candidates to endorse than McCain. Take Ron Paul for instance. Because he appears to be in the middle of the road, some Republicans and Democrats support him rather than those candidates who are slightly more radical (Huckabee, Obama). [I am aware that radical is not the appropriate term descriptive there.]

Besides, isn't McCain the candidate who wants to put a nuclear weapons station in Poland? *From the Rep debate before the YouTube debate.*