Thursday, August 02, 2007

Some Poems, Vol. I

The Solipsist

The solipsist reads her words
and “cringes at the sight”.
Not to be discouraged
He diggs into the verses’ blue soil.
Stained with ink and confusion,
He comes back up for air.
And covered in words not his
he looks into the mirror
and recognizes himself.

Telephone Poem

Sitting here at work
Time's death,
held off by ten short lines.

blue words, are a cure for


Temptation Divided by Torpidity

Temptation divided by torpidity,
split asunder by academy's devior.
tepid rivulets carving time's soil
to conjugate 'nief the light of a city

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I finally understand what The Solipsist is about. damn, that took me awhile. very nice.